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About Me

Sophia Galante

Sophia Galante is a senior in the University of Connecticut, Digital Media & Design program, hoping to get a job storyboarding for animated movies in the future. She’ll receive her BFA when she graduates in the spring of 2021, though she’s thinking about continuing school to further hone her abilities before job hunting. Galante has been drawing and interested in an artistic career from a young age, deciding to narrow in on drawing when choosing what path she wanted to pursue. With any luck, by the time she has to move out to California, rent prices will be cheaper and the wildfires will have died down. Despite usually just being a fan-artist, Galante has recently begun branching out and trying to create her own stories. Inspired by the happy endings of Disney fairytales, a younger Galante became enamoured with the idea of falling in love and living happily ever after, which quickly became a common theme in her stories. This trend inspired her adoration for the Legend of Zelda video game series, which in turn ignited her interest in using medieval worlds as a setting and is currently a staple of her work. Perhaps also willed by spite toward endings like that of the recent Game Of Thrones, she also strives to create stories that people of any age can enjoy with minimal investment.

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